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When was Ada Price prediction Last updated?

ADA price prediction was last updated on May 05, 2023 at 05:31. Loading... Cardano is currently trading above the 200-day simple moving average (SMA). The 200-day SMA has been signaling BUY for the last 38 days, since Mar 28, 2023.

What is ADA Cardano price prediction 2030?

Cardano Price Prediction 2030: According to our analysts, ADA price predictions for the year 2030 could range between $2.99 to $4.10 and the average price of Cardano could be around $3.52. Suppose ADA Cardano price continues to focus on transiting from a developing network to a developed one.

How much will Ada cost in 2031?

Therefore, on average, you can expect the ADA price to be around $9.98 in 2031. Cryptocurrency analysts are ready to announce their estimations of the Cardano’s price.

How much will Ada coin cost in 2029?

ADA coin price predictions 2029: According to our analysts, Cardano forecast for the year 2029 could range between $2.35 to $3.02 and the average price of ADA could be around $2.67.

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